No Time to Breathe, No Money to Relax: The Double Life of Running a Business and a Family

All of the above and the self doubt gremlins showing up like a bad wi-fi signal...

No Time to Breathe, No Money to Relax: The Double Life of Running a Business and a Family

All of the above and the self doubt gremlins showing up like a bad wi-fi signal...

Any of these ring a bell?

You think you could be doing better with your business.

You work harder for your clients than yourself.

You don't have enough of the clients you really want.

Your cashflow isn't where you would like it.

Your life/work balance is tipped in favour of work.

a 250% Return on investment guarantee, because you will be...

  • Implementing strategies that support your business growth while ensuring you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  • Setting actionable goals that keep you focused and motivated, even on the busiest days.

  • Creating simple systems that make monitoring your progress easy and effective.

  • Understanding your financials so you can make informed decisions that positively impact your business and family life.

  • Bouncing ideas off someone who understands your journey which can lead to innovative solutions, along with providing support and fresh perspectives tailored to your business.

  • Are we on the same page?

The 3 step process to discover if our coaching is right for you.

Step 1

Book a Triage Call or the "More Time and More Money" workshop.

Step 2

Book your follow up 60 minute one to one personalised call..

Step 3

We decide how much value there is for us working together.


Neil Smith

Absolutley blown away with the amount and the depth we went into my Business and how just small changes are already having a great positive impact on my business already. I would 100% recommend Maximum Profit Growth.

Abigail Mackenzie

Brian has not only helped me DOUBLE my monthly revenue but has also helped me minimise my expenses drastically increasing my profit margin AND making sure I'm hitting targets in my chargeable hours!

Ola Sulaimon

Brian actually cares about my business and personal growth and has been more than supportive of me.

His mastermind group has also enabled me to work with other business owners and helps me to focus on working on a different aspect of my business

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a coaching programme?

The initial programme is 6 months, which then reverts to a 30 day notice period. This is cancellable from both sides.

How do I monitor the results?

You will have access to a coaching platform to record your business numbers, along with your business improvement actions and plans. These will be reviewed as part of the personal coaching sessions.

How will it change my life?

A lot of that will depend on how much you actually implement. Let's face most people will buy development books, read them but not implement. I call it Shelf development. Your results will be better when you actually implement what you learn. The personal coaching session will help to keep you on track as your results will be reviewed. Bottom line we want you to have a quality life/work balance and good cashflow - do you?

Is there a limit to Profit Growth Lab members?

Yes, this is an exclusive group with a maximum 12 members to ensure you get great benefit from the group and your coach.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the programme?

The minimum is at least one hour per week. You will find how to gain this time back during the introductory session so it should not be an issue. From experience with previous clients, a minimum one hour per week can have massive implications to the results you gain.

How is the programme exclusive?

This isn't a programme for every business owner, although it can help every business. The Triage Call, followed by a 45 minute Profit Acceleration call will help us to understand if you are the right person to join the programme. Our reputation is too important to allow anyone on it.